New Technology Enhances Self-Awareness

“I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.” – Billie Jean King

Most people have moderate to low self-awareness. No doubt most of us can zero in on our obvious strengths. But, people are complex and full of nuanced gifts and watch outs that are not always easy to spot. If a potential strength is never used or tried, how would one know it exists? This lack of clear and in-depth insight can hinder one’s ability to reach their true potential.

It doesn’t need to be that way! Intent, perseverance, determination, and achievement drive are important, but they alone can fall short if the focus is off the mark. In our assessment and coaching practice, we have helped multiple clients uncover their own distinctive hidden talent. This discovery is typically life changing for them, opening up opportunities that they otherwise never would have pursued.

A New Tool to Enable Self-Awareness and Discovery

Now, with CDR-U Coach (our exciting new online coaching debrief), we can help users identify their inherent talent, strengths, gaps, risks, and drivers and reward needs in a very personalized and confidential way. We recently completed a three-month pilot period where we tested CDR-U Coach in several different industries, with users spanning various seniority levels. The user feedback we received confirmed an overwhelming lack of self-awareness from the participants, prior to completing CDR-U Coach. Fortunately, participants agreed that CDR-U Coach helped them understand (at a very detailed level) their strengths and opportunities for development.

One user said…

“I love the power in understanding your strengths and weaknesses, and how you respond to situations around yourself. This helps create a self-awareness that can be substantial to the quality of our lives and help build relationships that fuel success. It also is exciting to see the connections in different areas and how these bring to light how we interact, are motivated and can goal set for an abundant life and career!” – Elizabeth, Communications Specialist, Missouri

Another reported…

“I love learning about myself and why I do the things I do. Gave me insight into the decisions I make and how I react to situations. Very in-depth analysis!” – Daniel, Technology Consultant, Texas

The Value of Anonymity

CDR-U Coach also clearly helps users become aware of their risks that can sabotage their performance and success. Straightforward development tips are offered along the way and are relayed in a helpful and frank way. Several people have commented that it actually feels more comfortable hearing about their risk factors and some of the tougher feedback, such as gaps, from an avatar coach versus a human coach. This was feedback I had not anticipated – the value of anonymity. Users are in a safe and private space, which takes away some of the fear and awkwardness that could result from an in-person session.

I work and interact with executive coaching colleagues regularly. Many of the coaches that I know are kind, and exceptionally supportive. While this sensitivity and care is an attribute, it can be an Achilles heel. Coaches may be so nice that sometimes giving straight, unvarnished feedback is tough for them. For an avatar coach, however, this is just part of the process.  

According to Barbara what she liked best was…

“The avatar ‘anonymity’ (this eliminated a defensive reaction to some of the feedback). Also, I found the personalized feedback; integration of the different assessments very helpful.” – Barbara, Publisher, Pennsylvania 

One user commented that what she liked best was 

“…the privacy and flexibility of CDR-U Coach. Obviously being able to be more self-aware at the end was VERY helpful. [Would you recommend to a colleague?] Without a doubt. Recommended to a colleague today.” – Debbie, Executive Education Leader, Arizona

Beyond Self-Awareness

Beyond the debrief of their individual assessment results, users may choose to continue onto two additional Action Planning modules. These modules help build individual performance or career plans. 

We know some users may want to discuss their results and plans with a live person after completing CDR-U Coach. As such, we offer a series of three “live” coaching sessions available with CDR Certified Coaches for those individuals.  We know this additional service be particularly beneficial to users who may be in challenging roles, difficult situations, or who are looking to change their career direction.

Additionally, CDR-U Coach is timeless. Users can go back and replay their coaching feedback at any time. With the CDR 3-D Suite, there’s no need to retest, as the assessment results do not change over one’s lifetime. The feedback received from the debrief can be particularly helpful to review as one considers promotional opportunities, career changes, or new educational pursuits. CDR-U Coach is intended to be a tool for lifelong professional development.

Nancy Parsons

President, CDR-U